1. How do I make a complaint about Dahabshiil services?

To file a complaint, please send an email to [email protected]. Include the following information to help us review your complaint:

  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your email address associated with your Dahabshiil account
  • A transaction reference number
  • Description of your complaint

2. What happens after I file a complaint?

Once we receive your complaint, we will:

  • Send you an email to confirm receipt, usually within three business days.
  • Review your report and start an investigation. We may need to ask for more information if details are missing and will reach out to you via phone or email.
  • Aim to resolve complaints within three business days, but some complaints may take up to 15 business days. In rare cases, we may need more time for the investigation, and we will inform you if that is the case.
  • Send you a final outcome of your complaint, detailing our actions and further steps if you are not satisfied with the outcome.

3. What if my account has been closed?

If your account has been closed, you can appeal the decision. Find out how to appeal here.

4. What if my account has been locked due to too many login attempts?

If your account has been locked due to too many login attempts, please contact our support here.

5. How can I quickly resolve my issue?

The fastest way to resolve your issue is through our Customer Support, available 24/7. They may be able to assist you directly and resolve the problem. You may reach our support team here.

6. What if I am not happy with the response to my complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the final response and outcome of your complaint, you can forward your complaint to the appropriate dispute body in your region:

7. Where can I read more about complaints handling times?

You can read more about complaints handling times in our Terms and Conditions.